The care you need, when and how you need it.

Dr. Collins providing holistic health care in Kyle, TX

This is where East meets West.

Dr. Collins is a board certified Chinese Medicine practitioner trained in functional medicine who provides holistic well care.

A New Approach to Health

A person receiving telehealth functional medicine consultation in Kyle, TX

A modern approach

Receive the best in functional medicine and holistic care - whether online or in person at our Kyle, Texas location in Hays County, we’ve got you covered.

Commonly booked services

Initial Consultation

Online or in-person, this is designated for individuals interested in establishing care with our provider(s).

60 mins | $159 | Get started

Established Visit

Online or in-person, this time will be spent providing follow-up care to an existing care plan.

45 mins | $85 | Book Now

Acupuncture session

Must be established before booking. In-person only, this session helps alleviate pain and treat various physical, mental, and emotional conditions.

30 mins | $85 | Book Now

Check your insurance.

We usually take many commonly known insurances.

Fill out the form with your insurance information and we’ll be in touch shortly.

Get started with ilumé, today.